An Interview with

For grow-your-own enthusiasts and eco-conscious consumers, there’s nothing as satisfying as enjoying the food you have personally grown and harvested. Especially since commercial agriculture is greatly contributing to food waste, overuse of land, water and soil resources and fresh food is being hauled over 1200 miles before it reaches a plate -- arriving nutritionally void.
To solve some of those complex challenges, Lettuce Grow founders, actor Zooey Deschanel and serial entrepreneur Jacob Pechenik created a business that enables anyone, anywhere the ability to grow an abundance of their own fresh food -- with no anxiety or green thumb required. According to their website, Lettuce Grow is encouraging everyone to reconnect with their food by growing it yourself at home!
How do they do it? By creating an easy-to-use product and great experience via The Farmstand; a self-watering, self-fertilizing device that makes growing vegetables, herbs, and leafy greens from home simple -- and without the time or space of traditional garden beds. The Farmstand comes in five sizes ranging from 12 to 36 plants and with everything needed to get growing right away, including a water pump, power cord, plant food, pH testing kits, an optional Glow Ring™ light for pure indoor growing, and even an app that helps you through the entire growing process. The Farmstand is also made from ocean-bound plastic, uses 95% less water than traditional gardening and one out of each ten Farmstand units sold is donated to a school or community organization.

To top it off, Lettuce Grow has an amazing seedlings store with a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens such as kale, lettuce varieties, herbs, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, and so much more. You can choose from over 100 pre-sprouted, seasonal plants that are ready to harvest in as little as three weeks.
The entire concept is that by growing your own food, you’ll know exactly what’s in it and what you are consuming - without GMOs, harmful chemicals, or pesticides. Food waste is practically eliminated because you won’t buy an entire bag of cilantro only to use a pinch for your recipes - you’ll harvest exactly what you need.
With commercial agriculture, almost half of the food goes to waste before it ever reaches your local grocery store, so using a product like Farmstand helps to reduce waste while reducing CO2 emissions in the process. And that’s not only good for you but good for the world!
Lettuce Grow started using Advanced Plug Protection’s products to address some challenges their customers were having. For this article we reached out to them for an interview to find out more, and here is what they said --
Question 1: What challenges or issues were you having that caused you to seek out a product like our Weatherproof Gaskets?
Answer: In the early days of the company, Lettuce Grow was providing a managed service for our first clients in Los Angeles. When it rained, we noticed our timers and pumps would trip. So, we needed a solution that could prevent tripping our GFCI devices and found the Weatherproof Gaskets. They really helped with the issue and once we launched our DTC sales, the Weatherproof Gaskets were included with every Farmstand.
Question 2: How did you find Advanced Plug Protection?
Answer: We initially found APlugPro on Amazon.
Question 3: Did you try any other solutions before you tried our Weatherproof Gaskets?
Answer: No, we lucked out and found the Weatherproof Gaskets on our first try. Since they worked well, we really didn’t need to look further.
Question 4: How were we able to help you solve your problem?
Answer: They prevented GFCI tripping, which was our main concern.
Question 5: Have our Weatherproof Gaskets saved your company time and or money? Is it possible to quantify that amount?
Answer: As you can imagine with any live plants, if they do not get watered, they will die. By using connection shields, we reduce the likelihood for a grower to lose plants due to GFCI tripping.
Question 6: What do you like about our company and our products?
Answer: Advanced Plug Protection delivers on time and in full. We really appreciate that they sourced special packaging materials for our orders.

With a profoundly innovative concept, Lettuce Grow has pioneered the evolution of grow-at-home ideals and produced one of the most unique and foundational products available in their niche today. Taking on commercial agriculture by giving everyone the ability to produce their own food encourages a shift in power while creating a healthier, happier eating experience.
That’s why we are so pleased that Lettuce Grow has opted to include our products as part of their offering. Not only do their customers get to stop tripping GFCIs, but it’s a pleasure doing business with companies who make the world a better place.
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